The Green Party has replaced the Conservatives as the largest party in the recent District Council elections, with both the largest number of councillors (17) and highest vote share. The Green Party got over 20,000 votes, which means 1 in 3 people voted Green from across the District from Seaford to the villages. Today they issued the following statement on next steps.
“This is a historic shift, as the Conservatives, previously the largest party, now have zero councillors. Greens took the largest share, taking 8 Conservative seats. The Lib Dems took 5 and Labour took 5.”
“As the largest party, Greens have already met with and put proposals to both the Liberal Democrats and Labour, inviting them to work with us to form an administration. We believe that we can create a co-operative alliance that works for the best interests of the whole district.”
“Greens are committed to open and transparent working. We went into these elections with the experience of setting up the previous co-operative alliance, and we believe we can continue doing politics in a grown up way. The most important priority for us is to do the best for residents.”
“We have asked the other parties to act swiftly and decisively. We want to see the new council firmed up as soon as possible.”